Image films, social media contributions, video courses and the like. Everything transparent, fair and cost-effective from a single source.

Video productions.
No Need for excessive prices.

Tom Kraeft

Core Attributes







A single source.


Your Idea realized in 4 simple steps

It’s not a long way from the initial idea to the finished video. Together we can take your corporate communication to the next level. The time you need to invest is kept to a minimum.


Exchange ideas


Create a concept


Record the video


Post Production

About Me

Hi, I’m Tom. 

I’m 21 years old and currently study Communication and Information Science in Groningen. As a child, I always wanted to be a journalist. Even though this passion hasn’t come true yet, it is at least responsible for my interest in audio recording, video production and storytelling. 

Over the years, this interest first became a hobby, and finally, in 2022, a part-time job. Since then, I produce image films, documentaries, social media contributions, video courses and similar communication products on my own. It is important to me that everything comes from a single source. From the original ideas and the first concept to the actual recording and post-production – I stand behind every step; and I do so with ambition, perfectionism and a whole lot of heart and soul. 

Every single project is simply fun for me and at the same time really helps the client. So what are we waiting for? I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

But Why actually me

and not a Full-time pro?

Video productions are offered by various professional agencies. So why cooperate with a student?

My Advantage

Video productions are a lot of work. Buying the necessary equipment is a large investment for filmmakers. Professional productions are usually edited by entire teams. Without question, all this costs the client a lot of money. Too much money, in fact. With a little research, you will realise that you will quickly have to shell out multiple thousands of euros for the realisation of your creative idea when working with a fully professional agency. That is not the case when cooperating with me. 

Of course, I have to be paid fairly for my work as well, but I have many qualities that reduce the price considerably. The most decisive one is that I mostly work alone. Separate supervision of the lighting equipment, catering, colour grading specialists – all this is certainly nice and conducive to the quality of the final product, but just not necessary. Even on my own, I can deliver a satisfactory product for a fraction of the production costs. You don’t have to worry about the quality of my products. All my previous clients have been very satisfied and the communication products effective in dealing with the eventual customer. Take a look at my references and see for yourself! 

In addition, I discuss pricing and workflow openly with you. With me, no money disappears into the depths of some administrative apparatus or into the pockets of expendable personnel. Instead, you are always informed about what you actually get for your money. Personal, transparent, high-quality and from a single source.


After all, however, one thing counts above all: the finished product. So here are two examples of my work so far that can give you a good idea of what to expect. For both videos I am completely and solely responsible for the concept, camera shots, sound and lighting, voice-overs, music, colour grading and editing. Currently, I sadly only have experience working in German. Anyways, since my daily life and my studies are completely taking place in English and I am able to cooperate with Dutch collegues, I am fully capable of producing videos in these languages, too.

YourFlip- analog trifft digital

Schach als Hobby - Was ist das eigentlich?

Just get in touch!

The best thing to do is to contact me directly and we can start working on your idea right away. You can reach me by email or WhatsApp / phone using the contact details on the right.

Videos can be produced in German, English and Dutch. Travel for filming is possible without any problems, and I am also able to provide locations for the filming of, e.g., video courses or interviews for image films free of charge.

Alte Reihe
27313 – Dörverden
9714 BV - Groningen

+49 151 22423263